Children and Young People in our church communities

Everyone is welcome in our churches, children and young people are no exception…

During Services, at St. Mary Magdalene in Woodstock, there is a children’s area with toys, books and colouring materials at the back of the church. If needed, there are changing facilities for babies in the accessible toilet beyond the sliding glass door towards the front of the church.

At St. Martin’s in Bladon, toy bags are available to help keep younger children amused.

At St. Mary Magdalene, the junior choir meets for an hour practice on Wednesdays at 6.30pm. The junior choir are encouraged to join with the senior choir on occasion to sing during services.  For more information about the Church choir and other musical activities contact the Organist and Choir Director

 At St. Martin’s in Bladon there is a weekly Wednesday morning Toddler Group during term time – a chance for toddlers to play while their parents, grandparents or carers enjoy coffee and a chat. It is hoped to start a similar group in Woodstock in the near future.

Both church communities are keen to do everything they can to make their services and other activities as welcoming as possible to everyone including families – if you have any suggestions as to how we might do this, please let us know!

The Benefice actively supports the Woodstock Youth Work Trust which aims to help teenagers in Woodstock and the surrounding area explore their own faith and spirituality to whatever extent they are comfortable with see: