St Martin’s, Bladon

If you are new…

When you arrive at any of our major services, welcomers will be waiting to greet you and give you all you need to take part in our service (e.g., hymn book, service sheets and/or booklets). 

The welcomers will be happy to answer any questions.
If you use a wheelchair or have limited mobility the entrance to the church is on a flat surface via the footpaths.

 Toilets: are located in the nearby Church Room, including an accessible toilet.  Please ask one of our welcomers to direct you.

 Children are very welcome at all our services – feel free to collect a colourful bag with toys and books for your child(ren) hanging at the back of the church. Please don’t worry about any noise, we were all young once!

The service starts with the first hymn, usually announced from the back of the church before the clergy process up the central aisle. The service will then follow as set out in the booklet you have been given. On special festivals, the booklet will include all the material for that service, on other occasions you will also have been given a sheet showing readings and hymns for that service. Services vary a little according to the church calendar but the general shape is very similar. When it comes to time for communion, in which we commemorate Jesus’s last meal with his disciples, welcomers will guide you when to come forward. If you prefer to receive a blessing, please come forward carrying your service booklet. 

Coffee, tea, juice, and biscuits are served after the morning service in the Church Room.